Friday, June 09, 2006

Noah in the Kitchen and Other News

Yes, my son Noah finally made his peach pastry. He browsed through my cookbooks and decided on his own to make the Fanny Farmer Baking Book peach cobbler. Except for having me show him (much to his gadget-o-phile chagrin) how to put the beaters into the stand mixer, he did it all himself.

The crust topping was lightly brown, crisp and flaky. I was awed. The kid no longer has crust issues.

The peach filling was a bit soupy. I later realized he hadn't defrosted his frozen peaches or added some flour or other binder. The sweet peach flavored syrup that resulted didn't bother me. I ate two helpings, generously anointing each with an extra spoonful of syrup on top. (You can see my write up of his apple pie adventure here.)

Elsewhere at the Kramers: The reason he had no help in the kitchen is that I was slaving over my computer writing the praises of See's Candies Chocolate Buttercreams for Sugar Savvy. Click on over to see how I liked them.

Why no pix? My camera went to the World Cup in Germany with my husband. I hope to snag Noah's and use it for the two weeks, but it's not the same.

Sunday June 11 Update: Busy weekend. My older son graduated high school and leaves today to go to the World Cup. Noah made apple pie again and conquered his excess liquid problem with fruit fillings.

1 comment:

  1. heh.
    hope the fellas are having fun, but wouldn't they rather look at pictures of food?
