Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A New Year's Present to Blog Appetit'ers -- New Links

It's been a while since I added to my blogroll (the list of sites I enjoy that I post on my side bar.) It's not really a fair representation of all the blogs I read, but I rarely take the time to update it. My apologies to all the wonderful bloggers and blogs out there, I promise one day to catch up with you all (probably AFTER I make the transition to the new Blogger). Meanwhile here are two blogs that I have been reading and recommend:

Harold McGee is known for his clear, incisive writing on the science of food. Now he blogs, too.
Check out his new blog, Curious Cook.

From the scientific to the romantic. It's easy to guess what Paris Breakfasts' obsession is, but its' creator doesn't limit herself to just breakfast in Paris, she also does tea, coffee and hot chocolate and the accompanying pastries and other goodies. In addition to serving up her experiences and photographs, blogger Carol Gillet also shares her delicate watercolors of her cups, saucers, macarons and other table top delights.

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