Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Some Blog Roll Additions

I thought I would add some new blogs to my links (a complete list here)

Pink Sky is about crafts and food and the winner of my I Wanna Be a Food Writer Menu for Hope V package.

Viet World Kitchen cooks up not just Vietnamese and Asian food but her take on all the cuisines that make up American food.

A Year of Crockpotting is no crackpot. She just is a great resource for this timeshifting device.

Eating Simply is about eating healthily and economically, goals I whole-heartedly support.

There are lots of other good blogs out there and several more I plan on adding to my links list soon.

Update: I just found this blog and I'm so excited about its vegetable focus and writing I just had to add it right away" La Vida Veggie out of Boston.

6/9/11 Update:  Pink Sky has not been active since 2009, but her old posts are still up and inspiring. Viet World Kitchen is still posting and as active and wonderful as ever.  Year of Crockpotting, is still there and still a good source for slow cooking and other recipes, but fame has come with a price.  She writes a number of sponsored posts.  They are well marked as such and still informative.  Eating Simply seems to have morphed into Kari's Creations, a food and gardening blog with some wonderful photography. La Vida Veggie is well not necessarily veggie anymore but still posting.