Sunday, March 08, 2009

Down Argentine Way, Or On the Road Again

PhotobucketI'm off to Buenos Aires. I don't know if I'll get a chance to post while I'm gone, but I'll be coming back with lots of taste memories to recreate and food experiences to share.

The photo is for an Argentinean vegetable dish baked in a pumpkin. See, it's not all beef in the land of the pampas.

Watch for the updates.

fyi - I had to use photobucket to upload this pix since blogger kept reverting it to its pre-rotated version! That's a new glitch for me. Hope it doesn't continue, especially since I had my issues with getting the photo from photobucket onto blogger.


  1. Have a wonderful, lovely and safe trip.

  2. Thanks everyone, I did.
    I waited until I got back to get sick!
