Saturday, June 06, 2009

Update and Paella from the Archives

Work has been punishing and with graduation almost upon us lots of little details to deal with after hours, plus the Future Architect needs open heart surgery in a month (to fix a congenital defect the original surgery at 5 months old didn't). Plus I've discovered scramble on facebook (shame!). Anyway, I do have lots to post, just no time. I hope to catch up with you all soon.
Don't give up on me. Lots of great posts and recipes in the archives.

Try this one for paella. I just made a version of it a few nights ago for a teacher of FA's who wanted something to perk up a month long stay in the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. I thought Noah was kidding about heart surgery. I'm sure he will be just fine and be playing baseball in Arizona soon! (this is Jennifer, his mentor from Namaste)
