Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Promises, Promises

Egads!  I've been traveling (Las Vegas for business), catching up on work after being gone from the office and prepping for my next trip (vacation in Istanbul), but all the while I've been eating, cooking and just thinking about food.

Here are some items to look forward to:

Dinner buffets in Vegas (this time the new Cosmopolitan Hotel)
Ethnic food in Vegas: Cuban, Mexican and Chinese
Vegan Home Cooking:  Sweet Potato Casserole with Onions, Peanut Butter and BBQ sauce
Jewish holiday celebrations -- Purim foods
Cooking with Tea
More wrap ups from the Fancy Food Show

Meanwhile, if you have any sightseeing, shopping, food or other suggestions for Istanbul, I'd love to know about them. Leave a comment below or email me through my profile.


  1. I just read The Lovers, by Vindela Vida. It's set in Turkey, and I think it would be a marvelous in-flight read. I plowed through it in less than a day -- it was that good!

  2. Anne,
    Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out!
