Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Gluten-Free for Passover - Some Ideas from Blog Appetit

By the way, that's no matzh ball in that soup -- it's a gluten-free dumpling (for more on that see below.)

There are more and more commercial products available at Passover for those needing a gluten-free diet, but a holiday based on unleavened wheat bread is still pretty tough.

Here are some ideas taken from the Blog Appetit archives:

Almost all the Pesach noodles I'm seeing this year are gluten free (made with potato and other acceptable starches).  Where have all the matzah meal noodles gone?  I don't know, but this development makes Passover gluten-free meal planning a bit easier and it also means this delicious pastry is now gluten free. (And even vegan when made with Passover parve margarine.)  Click here for my Passover Turkish Shredded Pastry.  (Update: The new gluten-free versions do not perform as well as the noodles I used to develop the recipe.  Please see the update notes on the recipe before attempting to make this.)

A few years ago I developed an entire gluten-free Passsover menu. It featured chicken soup with almond-chicken dumplings (see the photo above), chicken tagine with quiona and pistachio lemon bars. You can get all the recipes here.

This crustless green chili quiche might be perfect for a holiday brunch or lunch.

These leek-potato patties weren't devised for Passover, but they would work well for a Seder or other meal.

My chopped chicken liver just like MY grandma used to make is also gluten free.

Take a look though all my Jewish recipes to see a variety of chicken, beef, fish and vegetable recipes you should be able to use or modify for a gluten-free diet.

Happy holiday!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, sorry to say that, I am quite new in passover his year. That's why looking for something delicious. Got something special from you here.
    Wishing you a happy Passover.
    You can take a look at this passover message: goo.gl/lFsMZ on this celebration. Very unique one.
