Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Food Bloggers at the Food Bank

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of being able to help give back to the San Francisco area community by joining other Bay Area food bloggers at a volunteer shift at the San Francisco food bank.

Thanks to Amy and Sam for organizing and for all 35+ bloggers and friends who turned out to help. You can read more about our adventures on Cooking with Amy and Becks and Posh.

It was a very different experience than my shifts at the Alameda County food bank. (You can read about that here.) We were packing boxes of raw food -- apples, oranges and frozen corn on the cob. We worked well together, mixing and matching in groups, chatting while our hands flew packing the produce. The volunteer coordinator was impressed by the amount of food we were able to put away. (There is a joke here somewhere about food bloggers putting away food, but I'm not feeling that funny this a.m.)

Afterwards, we all retired to the Yield Wine Bar, a wonderful wine bar in the Dogpatch neighborhood of San Francisco. Some treats were donated by food provider friends including spicy chocolate from Poco Dolce, unbelievable meats from Fatted Calf and Fra Mani, some tasty chutneys and good cheeses (donated by Amy and Sam, as if they hadn't already done enough).

Please consider donating your time and your funds to your local food bank. To find your local food bank or other ways to help feed America's hungry, please contact Second Harvest.


Unknown said...

Hi -
Would you please contact me - not sure how to send you an email. I work for the Alameda County Community Food Bank and am interested in reprinting portions of a previous blog.
Thanks -
Judyth Collin

Anonymous said...

your post has captured the spirit of not only those who blog about food, but also of those who enjoy helping people.