Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Introducing ....

... two more links.

A Chip off the Old Block?

David Lebovitz (creator of NY's famed David's chocolate chip and other cookies) at http://www.davidlebovitz.com is a fun site full of chocolate advice, recipes and David's experiences in Paris and on the road in the U.S. teaching cooking classes. It's chocolate bliss without the calories!

Not for Vegetarians Only

Veggie Venture at http://www.kitchen-parade-veggieventure.blogspot.com is the site I originally wanted to create more than four years ago. I never got around to it but Alanna did. She posts a new veggie-based recipe and/or adventure every day. Her recipes are for omnivores and many include meat, chicken, etc.

1 comment:

Alanna Kellogg said...

Thanks for the introduction! Good luck with your own venture, this can certainly be, ahem, addictive. I, after all, set out only to cook/write for a single month (and wasn't sure I'd even accomplish that!) and here I am, nine months and still going strong. Thanks again!!